Monday, August 5, 2013

Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Estates




Estimated Length: 1 hour

Cost: $30.00 (USD)

Credits: 1

Enrollment Valid For: 12 months


1 Credits.

Discussion of Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Estates and how they effect Title.  The course includes definitions and types of Powers of Attorney and language that should be used in a Power of Attorney.  The course discusses the recording of a Power of Attorney, who can execute one, its limitations and insuring transactions the use one.

The course also discusses Trusts.  It explains classes of trusts, definitions of Express Trusts, Test Trusts, and Testamentary Trusts.  It discusses termination of trusts and forms of vesting.

Lastly the course discusses different types of estates and taxes that effect title.  Inheritance tax, NJ Estate tax, and Federal Estate tax are all discusses.


Upon completion of this course the learner will

  • be able to define the different types of a Power of Attorney

  • be able to recognize the correct language to be used in a Power of Attorney

  • know the limitations of a Power of Attorney

  • be able to define trusts

  • know how to handle a transaction out of an estate.

Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Estates

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