Friday, August 2, 2013

Help TAN your office and WIN!

From the ALTA Linkedin Group

  • Group: American Land Title Association – ALTA

  • Subject: Help TAN your office and WIN!

During August, the Title Action Network (TAN) is challenging all TAN members to recruit ONE new Title Action Network member this month. Simply encourage your new recruit to visit and click “Join TAN” on the right side of the page.

The TAN member who refers the most new TAN members from August 1 to August 31 will win a free 2014 ALTA Federal Conference Registration! Just make sure that your new TAN members type your name into the “who referred you to TAN” field on the entry form.

Not a TAN member? Visit and join today to start recruiting!

Is your office already at 100% TAN participation? Call an industry colleague and ask them to join today at

We need our entire industry to be involved in promoting the value of the land title industry to legislators and regulators. Recruiting at least one new TAN member this month will help reach that goal!

Here are a few points to encourage your colleague(s) to join TAN today:

- TAN is free & takes only 90 seconds to join!
- TAN promotes the value of the land title industry to state and
federal policymakers.
- We don’t bog down your inbox & our action alerts are easy-to-
- We focus on issues that are important to you and your business.

Come TAN with us. Encourage your colleagues to join today at
Posted By Wayne M. Stanley

Help TAN your office and WIN!

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